
Tel: +86-1366-1386-623
E-mail: [email protected]


·                Urban Planning

·                Urban Spatial Analysis

·                Urban Modeling

·                Urban Supporting System

·                Data Augmented Design

·                Smart City and Future City

·                 (Specific Research Interests: Measurement, Mechanism Identification and Performance Improvement of Urban Public Space)



·                Ph. D of Urban Planning, Tsinghua University, Beijing, P.R. China, 2008.09-2011.07

·                Master of Engineering, Environmental Science and Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, P.R. China, 2002.09-2004.07

·                Bachelor of Engineering, Environmental Science and Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, P.R. China, 1998.09-2002.07




1.              Artificial Intelligence | Smart City, Spring.

2.              The New Science of Cities, Fall.

3.              An Introduction to Urban Modeling, Spring.

4.              Urban & Rural Comprehensive Survey, Summer.


1.              Big data and Urban Planning, Fall.

2.              Urban Design, for EPMA students, Spring.


1.              Big data and Urban Planning (available on the “XuetangX” platform at Tsinghua University)

2.              The New Science of Cities (available on the “XuetangX” platform at Tsinghua University and edX)

3.              Big Data for Understanding Urbanizing China (available on edX).



1.              Tsinghua Shenzhen International Graduate School Master of Architecture (Future Habitat Design) Program Summer Camp for Outstanding Undergraduates, 2021

2.              Tsinghua University Big Data Competency Enhancement Project Practical Course, 2020

3.              Big Data Systems Foundation Course, 2020

4.              Tsinghua Shenzhen International Graduate School Master of Architecture (Future Habitat Design) Program Summer Camp for Outstanding Undergraduates, 2020

5.              China Shrinking City Planning and Design Workshop, 2019.

6.              CAADRIA(Extruded City: Geospatial Coding with Möbius Modeller)Workshop, 2018.

7.              Student Studio of Urban Space Analysis Forum and the Third Symposium on Space Syntax in China, 2017.



1.              Science and Technology Award of the Chinese Society of Urban Planning, 2021

2.              Excellent Engineering Consulting Results in Heilongjiang Province, 2021

3.              Best Research Presentation Award (Bronze Prize), 2021

4.              GIS Science and Technology Progress Award, 2021.

5.              Urban and Rural Construction Science and Technology Award, 2020.

6.              Excellent Urban and Rural Planning Design Award in Qingdao, 2020.

7.              National Youth Talent Support Program (Ten thousand talents plan), 2020.

8.              China Youth Science and Technology Award of Urban Planning, 2019.

9.              Distinguished Paper on Urban Planning Award by Jinjingchang Foundation, 2009&2015&2016&2019.

10.          Forerunner 5000-Top Academic Papers in China's Key Sci-Tech Journals, 2016&2019.

11.          National Distinguished Planning and Design Award, 2009&2012&2014&2016&2018.

12.          The Young Researcher Award in GIScience, 2017.

13.          Beijing Distinguished Engineering Design Award, 2011&2013&2015&2017.

14.          China Association for GIS Award, 2016.

15.          Huaxia SciTech of State Ministry of Construction Award, 2010&2016.

16.          Distinguished Paper Award by Geography Journals, 2016.

17.          China Association for GIS Award, 2015.

18.          Beijing SciTech Award, 2014.

19.          Beijing Municipal Commission of Urban Planning Award, 2013

20.          Environmental Protection SciTech of Guangdong Province Award, 2012.

21.          GIS New Talent of Chinese University Award, 2010.

22.          Distinguished Paper Award by Cross-strait GIS Forum, China, 2010.

23.          Distinguished Paper Award by Tsinghua Ph.D. Candidate Forum, China, 2010.

24.          Distinguished Planning and Research Award by Beijing Institute of City Planning, 2010.

25.          National Distinguished Engineering Design Award, 2007&2009.

26.          Beijing SciTech Award, 2008.

27.          Distinguished Staff Award by Beijing Institute of City Planning, 2006.

28.          Distinguished New Comer Award by Beijing Institute of City Planning, 2005.



1.              Hou J, Long Y, Chen L. 2021. A method for obtaining the spatial position of the crowd in video. Type of Patent: Patent for Invention. Patent Number: ZL 2019 1 1118462.2



1.              Jia H, Long Y, Liu Z, Hou J, Chen L, Chen Z. 2021. Expert system for screening the best management measures of urban rainfall and runoff. [Abbreviation: BMPSELEC], register number: 2020SR0877105



1.              Jia H, Chen Z, Chen Y, Han S, Zhang X, Liu S, Li Q, Xu C, Liu Z, Long Y, Yin D, Sun C, Xu T, Zhai M, Yang Y, Cao J, Lu M, Qian D, Yu M, Ma Y, You Y, Shi Z, Wang P, Zhao D, Li Z, Li M, Du Z, Gao Z, Hou J, Xu Y, Xu J, Chen L, Wang Y, Guo R, Dai X, Cao X. (Technical guidelines for selection method of sponge city low impact development facilities)(10/36). China Association for Engineering Construction Standardization. No. T/CECS 866-2021. Effective from 1 October 2021.



1.              Smart Identification, Mechanism Analysis and Planning and Design Response on Urban Vacancy in the Context of Urban Shrinkage, National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2022-2025.

2.              Ridesharing and Urban Vibrancy: The Value of Flexible Ride Service in Consumer Cities, Funded by MISTI Global Seed Funds, 2021-2023.

3.              Scenario Analysis for China’s Future Population Structure, Energy Foundation, 2021-2022.

4.              2021 Humanistic City Spectrum Program, Sanlian Lifeweek Magazine, 2021

5.              WeCityX Technology Planning Research Program, Tencent Technology (Shenzhen) Co. Ltd, 2021

6.              A study on the identification, evaluation and development patterns of major urban business districts in China, Beijing Science and Technology Co, three fast online, 2021

7.              Territorial Spatial Master Plan Future City Theme in Heihe, Heilongjiang Urban Planning Surveying Design and Research Institute, 2021

8.              Key Technologies, Decision-Making, and Practical Application of Place-Making and Post-Occupancy Evaluation on Public Place-Making and Built Environment in the Future, Toyota Motor (China) Investment Co., Ltd., 2021

9.              A Research to Assess if Current Sodium Reduction Communications Strategies Will Lead to Healthier Behavior Change, World Health Organization, 2020-2021.

10.          Population Scenario Analysis for China, Energy Foundation, 2019-2020.

11.          The TOD Assessment System Study, World Resources Institute, 2019.

12.          Research on Urban Public Space Improvement Supported by Future Emerging Technologies in the Chinese and British Contexts, UCAM-Tsinghua Collaborative Research Fund, 2019-2020.

13.          Research on Urban Tobacco and Health Based on Baidu Big Data, Baidu and WHO, 2019.

14.          The Case Study of Smart Cities from a Global Scale, Hitachi, 2018.

15.          Chinese Cities’ Walkability, Natural Resources Defense Council, 2018.

16.          Pathways to Equitable Healthy Cities, Wellcome Trust, 2018-2020.

17.          Knowledge Exchange on Data Augmented Design for Sustainable Cities, UNSW-Tsinghua Collaborative Research Fund, 2018-2019.

18.          Shrinking Cities in the US and China: A Transnational Comparison, MISTI Global Seed Funds, 2017-2018.

19.          Equitable Access to Sustainable Development, Global Challenges Research Fund, 2017-2018.

20.          Study on Spatial Optimization of Sponge Facilities for Runoff Reduction and Pollution Reduction, National Science and Technology Major Project "Comprehensive Demonstration of High Quality Water Ecological Construction in Beijing Sub Center", 2018-2020.

21.          Mid-term Review for China’s National New Urbanization Plan (2014-2020): The Spatial Development Aspect, World Bank, 2017.

22.          Study on the Fine Recognition, Spatial Representation and Planning Mechanism of China's Shrinking Cities, National Natural Science Foundation Project, 2018-2021.

23.          Study on the Quality Evaluation and Visualization of Urbanization Development under the Support of the New Data on the Implementation of the Recommendations of the Beijing Smart City, Chinese Cities and Small Towns Reform and Development Center, 2016-2017.

24.          Chinese Cities’ Walkability, Natural Resources Defense Council, 2016-2017.

25.          Analyzing Commuting Pattern of Beijing Using Massive Smartcard Records and Its Planning Implications, National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2015-2017.

26.          Based on Big Data's urban Construction important indicator Statistical Research, Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People's Republic of China, 2015-2016.

27.          The Impact of Urban Form and Transportation on Economic Vitality:  Evidence from Chinese Cities, Energy Innovation, 2015-2016.

28.          Research Service for Aqueduct China, World Resource Institute, 2015.

29.          Aqueduct-China and China’s Water-Energy Nexus Projects, World Resource Institute, 2015.

30.          Study on Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Regional polycentricism City Network Development and Functional Optimization, Beijing Social Science Fund, 2015-2017.

31.          Impact of Metro Station on Shopping Mall in China, Peking University-Lincoln Institute, 2014-2015.

32.          Academic Exchange on Simulation of Urban Spatial Development between Russia and China, National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2013-2014.

33.          LUCC Spatiotemporal Evolving Characteristics of China in Recent 300 Years, National Basic Research Program of China, 2011-2014.

34.          Low Carbon Urban Design: From Options Assessment to Policy Implementation, Low Carbon Energy University Alliance, 2012-2014.

35.          Analyzing Job-housing Relationship and Commuting Pattern of Beijing Using Bus Smart Card Data, Peking University-Lincoln Center, 2012-2013.

36.          Microsimulation for Spatial Plan, National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2011-2013.

37.          Framework of Planning Support Systems and Its Typical Applications, Beijing Planning Commission, 2011-2012.

38.          A Planning Support Model Using Bus Smart Card Data in Beijing, Beijing Planning Commission, 2010-2011.

39.          Sustainable Urban Form Research of Metropolitans in China Based on Spatial Efficiency, National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2009-2011.

40.          Integrated Technology Study for Urban Planning and Designing supported  by 3S and

41.          National Project of Scientific and Technical Supporting Programs, Ministry of  Science & Technology of China, 2006-2010.

42.          Integrated Application of Spatial Information Technologies for Digital Urban Planning, National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2007-2009.

43.          Beijing Urban Development Model, Beijing Planning Commission, 2007-2008.

44.          Beijing Urban Master Plan (2004-2020), Beijing Planning Commission, 2004-2005.



1.         Reviewer for China and World Economy, Urban Studies, Annals of the Association of American Geographers, Environment and Planning A/B, Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, Cities, Applied Geography, Habitat International, Ecological Modeling, Frontiers of Earth Science, Annals of GIS, International Journal of Society Systems Science, CaGIS, Science China Information Sciences, Landscape Ecology, Plos One, Transaction in GIS, Transportation Research Part C Emerging Technologies, Transportation Research Part D Transport and Environment, Transportation Letters, Physica A, China Economic Review, China City Planning Review, Sustainable Cities and Society, Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering, Journal of Urban Affairs, Journal of Planning Literature, Journal Of Exposure Science And Environmental Epidemiology, International Journal of Geographical Information Science, Urban Forestry and Urban Greening.

2.              Chinese Journal Reviewer for Acta Geographica Sinica, Urban Planning International, Shanghai Urban Planning Review, Urban Planning Forum, City Planning Review, Architectural Journal, Geographical Research,  Progress in Geography, Modern Urban Research, Journal of Urban and  Regional Planning, Tropical Geography, Planners.

3.              Program Committee for International Conference: CUPUM (2011, PC and session chair), SPSD (2011, Organizing Committee),  SPSD (2013, Organizing Committee), CUPUM (2015, PC), SPSD (2015, PC), International Symposium on Location-Based Social Media Data and Tracking Data (Washington DC, 2017), Conference on Complex Systems (Cancun, 2017, PC) , International Association for China Planning (IACP) Conference(Harbin, 2017) , ICA Commission on Geospatial Analysis and Modeling (2017, PC) , CUPUM (2019, Organizing Committee), SPSD (2019, PC), ILUTM-5(Haikou, 2019, Organizing Committee), International Symposium on Location-Based Big Data (Tokyo, 2019, PC) . Science Committee Member of CIPA 2021Symposium (Session Chair), International Conference of Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development (2021/2019/2017/2015, Member of Scientific Committee), International Symposium on Geospatial Approaches to Combating COVID-19 (2021, Organizing Committee)

4.              Editorial Board of Future City Design and Operations, 2021-present

5.              Transactions in Urban Data, Science and Technology, Editor-in-Chief, 2021-present

6.              Member of Academic Committee of Tianjin Smart City Planning Enterprise Key Laboratory, 2021-present

7.              Member of CIPA 2021 Seminar Scientific Committee, 2021-present

8.              Fujian University of Technology, Guest Professor, 2021-present

9.              Kanazawa University, Guest Professor, 2021-present

10.          SRC Urban Streetscape Design and Research Centre Smart City Technology Professional Committee, Expert Advisory, 2021-present

11.          Editorial Board of Urban Science, 2021-present

12.          Tsinghua University Library, Faculty Advisor, 2020-present

13.          Editorial Board of Journal of Environmental Accounting and Management, 2019-present.

14.          Associate Director of Key Laboratory of Urban-Rural Eco Planning & Green Building, Ministry of Education, 2019-present.

15.          Member of Smart City Specialized Committee of Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People’s Republic of China, 2019-present.

16.          Associate Director of Chinese Urban Planning Society Academic Committee on the Application of New Technologies in Urban Planning, 2019-present.

17.          Director of Academic Committee of Computational Design of China Architectural Society, 2019-present.

18.          Member of China Urban Science Research Association Healthy City Special Committee, 2018-present.

19.          Editorial Board of Urban Development Studies, 2018-present.

20.          Editorial Board of Environment and Planning B, 2017.

21.          Specially Invited Researcher at the Tongji University, 2016.

22.          Reviewer of the National Natural Science Fund, 2016.

23.          Associate Director of the Research on the Application of Space Information Technology in the Protection of Cultural Heritage, Key  Scientific Research Base of the State Administration of Cultural Relics (Tsinghua University), 2016.

24.          Director of Data Augmented Design Laboratory, Heng Long Center for Real Estate Tsinghua University, 2016.

25.          Chief Scientist, Digital City Engineering Research Center of Chinese Society for Urban Studies, 2015.

26.          Planning expert of Xi’an City Planning Bureau, 2015.

27.          Technological forecasting expert of Urbanization and Urban Development  Field, Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of  China, 2014.

28.          Member of Scientific Committee of Urbanization and Regional development strategies, Beijing Academy of Science and Technology, 2013.

29.          Founder and Director of Beijing City Lab, 2013c.

30.          Managing Editor, International Review for Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development (IRSPSD), 2013-present.



1.              Long Y. (2021). Principles and Applications of City Model. Beijing: China Architecture & Building Press.

2.              Long Y, Zhang E. (2021). Data Augmented Design: Embracing New Data for Sustainable Urban Planning and Design. Berlin: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.

3.              Long Y, Gao S. (2019 eds). Shrinking Cities in China: The Other Facet of Urbanization. Berlin: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.

4.              Long Y, Shen Z. (2015). Geospatial Analysis to Support Urban Planning in Beijing. Berlin: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. (//www.springer.com/us/book/9783319193410)

5.              Long Y. (2007). Theory and Application of Planning Support Systems. Beijing: Chemical Engineering Press.



1.              Lingdong Mao, Zhe Zheng, Xiangfeng Meng, Yucheng Zhou, Pengju Zhao, Zhihan Yang, Ying Long*. 2022. “Large-scale automatic identification of urban vacant land using semantic segmentation of high-resolution remote sensing images”. Landscape and Urban Planning, 222, 104384.

2.              Hsu W, Zhang Y, Long Y*. 2022. “Valuing the Micro Public Space: A Perspective from Beijing Housing Prices”. Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 148(2): 04022012

3.              Meng X, Long Y*. 2022 “Shrinking cities in China: Evidence from the latest two population censuses 2010–2020.” Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space.0308518X221076499

4.              Li F, Li W, Li F, Long Y*, Guo S, Li X, Lin C, Li J. 2022. “Global projections of future wilderness decline under multiple IPCC Special Report on Emissions Scenarios”. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 177: 105983.

5.              Long Y, Song Y*, Chen L*. 2022. “Identifying subcenters with a nonparametric method and ubiquitous point of interest data:  A case study of 284 Chinese cities”. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 49(1): 58-75.

6.              Long Y, Song Y*, Chen L*. 2022. Identifying subcenters with a nonparametric method and ubiquitous point of interest data: A case study of 284 Chinese cities. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 49(1): 58-75.

7.              Li B, Cui Y, Song C, Li W, Nakagawa J, Snider P, Liu A, Long Y, Galea G*, 2021. “Testing the effects of nudging for reduced salt intake among online food delivery customers: a research protocol for a randomized controlled trial”. MedRxiv

8.              Chen L, Zhang Z, Long Y*, 2021. “Association between leisure-time physical activity and the built environment in China: Empirical evidence from an accelerometer and GPS-based fitness app”. Plos One, 16(12): e0260570.

9.              Chang J, Deng Q, Guo M, Ezzati M, Baumgartner J, Bixby H, Chan Q, Zhao D, Lu F, Hu P, Su Y, Sun J, Long Y* and Liu J*, 2021. “Trends and Inequalities in the Incidence of Acute Myocardial Infarction among Beijing Townships, 2007–2018”, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2021, 18(23), 12276.

10.          Li S, Ma S, Tong D, Jia Z, Li P, Long Y*. 2021. “Associations between the quality of street space and the attributes of the built environment using large volumes of street view pictures”. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science,0(0): 1-15

11.          Li X*, Hui E.C.M., Long Y, Chen T, Lang W. 202112. “Shrinking Cities and Towns: Policy Responses to the Challenges, Urban Planning, and Development Strategies.” Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 147(4): 02021002.

12.          Liu C, Ye X, Yuan X, Long Y, Zhang W, Guan C, Zhang F. 2020. “Progress of Urban Informatics in Urban Planning”. GUIHUA: Urban and Rural Spatial Planning Frontier, 1(1): 91-97.

13.          Meng X, Jiang Z, Wang X, Long Y*. 2021. “Shrinking cities on the globe: Evidence from LandScan 2000-2019”. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 53(6):1244-1248.

14.          Zhang Z, Long Y*, Chen L, Chen C. 2020. “Assessing personal exposure to urban greenery using wearable cameras and machine learning”. Cities, 109: 103006.

15.          Long Y, Zhao J. 2020. What makes a city bikeable? A study of intercity and intracity patterns of bicycle ridership using Mobike big data records. Built environment, 46(1):55-75.

16.          Hou J, Chen L, Zhang E, Jia H, Long Y*. 2020. “Quantifying the usage of small public spaces using deep convolutional neural network”. Plos One, 15(10): e0239390.

17.          Jiang Z, Zhai W, Meng X, Long Y*. 2020. “Identifying shrinking cities with NPP-VIIRS nightlight data in China”. Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 146(4): 04020034.

18.          Jia Z, Chen L, Chen J, Lyu G, Zhou D, Long Y*. 2020.“Urban modeling for streets using vector cellular automata: Framework and its application in Beijing”. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 47(8): 1418-1439.

19.          Long Y*, Han H, Lai S, Jia Z, Li W, Hsu W. 2020. “Evaluation of urban planning implementation from spatial dimension: An analytical framework for Chinese cities and case study of Beijing”. Habitat International, 101: 102197.

20.          Ma S, Long Y*. 2020.“Mapping Potential Wilderness in China with Location-based Services Data”, Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy. 13(1): 69-89.

21.          Ma S, Long Y*. 2020.“Functional urban area delineations of cities on the Chinese mainland using massive Didi ride-hailing records”. Cities, 97: 102532.

22.          Li F*, Li F, Li S, Long Y*. 2020.“Deciphering the recreational use of urban parks: Experiments using multisource big data for all Chinese cities”. Science of the Total Environment, 701: 134896.

23.          Xu C, Tang T, Jia H*, Xu M, Xu T, Liu Z, Long Y, Zhang R. 2019. “Benefits of coupled green and grey infrastructure systems: Evidence based on analytic hierarchy process and life cycle costing”. Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 151: 104478.

24.          Cui Z, Long Y*. 2019.“Perspectives on Stability and Mobility of Transit Passenger’s Travel Behavior through Smart Card Data”. IET Intelligent Transport Systems, 13(12): 1761-1769.

25.          Tang J, Long Y*. 2019.“Measuring visual quality of street space and its temporal variation: Methodology and its application in the Hutong area in Beijing”, Landscape and Urban Planning. 191: 103436.

26.          Zhou J*, Murphy E, Long Y*. 2019. “Commuting Efficiency Gains: Assessing Different Transport Policies with New Indicators”. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 13(10): 710-721.

27.          Wu K*, Tang J, Long Y. 2019. “Delineating the Regional Economic Geography of China by the Approach of Community Detection”. Sustainability, 11(21): 6053.

28.          Xu W*, Long Y, Zhang W*. 2019. “Prioritizing future funding and construction of the planned high-speed rail corridors of China-According to regional structure and urban land development potential indices”. Transport Policy, 81:381-395.

29.          Lang W, Long Y, Chen T, Li X*. 2019. “Reinvestigating China’s urbanization through the lens of allometric scaling”. Physical A:  Statistical Mechanics and its Applications,  525: 1429-1439.

30.          Liu L, Silva E A , Long Y*. 2019. “Block-level changes in the socio-spatial landscape in Beijing: Trends and processes”, Urban Studies, 56(6): 1198-1214.

31.          Han Z, Long Y*, Wang X, Hou J. 2019. “Urban redevelopment at the block level: Methodology and its application to all Chinese cities”. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 0(0):1-12.

32.          Xu C, Jia M, Xu M, Long Y, Jia H*. 2019. “Progress on environmental and economic evaluation of low-impact development type of best management practices through a life cycle perspective”. Journal of Cleaner Production, 213: 1103-1114.

33.          Long Y*, Wang J, Wu K*, Zhang J. 2018. “Population Exposure to Ambient PM2.5 at the Subdistrict Level in China”. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15(12): 2683.

34.          Lang W, Long Y*, Chen T. 2018. “Rediscovering Chinese cities through the lens of land-use patterns”. Land Use Policy, 79: 362-374.

35.          Long Y, Zhai W, Shen Y, Ye X*. 2018. “Understanding uneven urban expansion with natural cities using open data”. Landscape and Urban Planning, 177: 281-293.

36.          Song Y, Long Y*, Wu P, Wang X. 2018. “Are all cities with similar urban form or not? Redefining cities with ubiquitous points of interest and evaluating them with indicators at city and block levels in China”. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 32(12): 2447-2476.

37.          Li J, Long Y*, Dang A. 2018. “Live-work-play Centers of Chinese cities: Identification and temporal evolution with emerging data”. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 71: 58-66.

38.          Cao Y, Yang R, Long Y, STEVE C. 2018. “A Preliminary Study on Mapping Wilderness in Mainland China”, International Journal of Wilderness. 24 (2):1086-5519.

39.          Zhang Y, Martens K, Long Y*. 2018. “Revealing group travel behavior patterns with public transit smart card data”. Travel Behaviour and Society, 10:42-52.

40.          Gu Y*, Deakin E, Long Y. 2017. "The effects of driving restrictions on travel demand: Evidence from Beijing". Journal of Urban Economics, 102:106-122.

41.          Gao X*, Xu Z*, Niu F, Long Y. 2017. "An evaluation of China’s urban agglomeration development from the spatial perspective”. Spatial Statistics, 21:475-491.

42.          Long Y*, Huang C. 2017. “Does block size matter? The impact of urban design on economic vitality for Chinese cities”. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 46(3): 406–422.

43.          Long Y, Wu K*. 2017. “Simulating Block-level urban expansion for national wide cities”, Sustainability, 9(6):879.

44.          Jin Y*, Denman S, Deng B, Rong X, Ma M, Wan L, MAO Q, Zhao L, Long Y. 2017. “Environmental impacts of transformative land use and transport developments in the greater Beijing region: Insights from a new dynamic spatial equilibrium model”. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 52:548-561.

45.          Zhou J, Wang M*, Long Y. 2017. “Big data for intrametropolitan human movement studies: A case study of bus commuters based on smart card data”. International Review for Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development, 5(3):100-115.

46.          Jin X, Long Y*, Sun W, Lu Y, Yang X, Tang J. 2017. “Evaluating cities' vitality and identifying ghost cities in China with emerging geographical data”. Cities, 63:98–109.

47.          Long Y*, Liu L. 2017. “How green are the streets? An analysis for central areas of Chinese cities using Tencent Street View”. PLoS ONE, 12(2): e0171110.

48.          Zhang Y*, Zhang X, Zheng M, Long Y. 2017. “An integrated model of transportation and land use for development and application in Beijing”. International Review for Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development, 5(1):71-85.

49.          Mao Q, Long Y, Wu K. 2016. “Spatio-temporal changes of population density and urbanization pattern in China (2000 – 2010)”. China City Planning Review, 25(4): 8-14.

50.          Long Y, Liu X, Zhou J*, Chai Y. 2016. "Early birds, night owls, and tireless/recurring itinerants: An exploratory analysis of extreme transit behaviors in Beijing, China", Habitat International, 57: 223-232.

51.          Long Y*. 2016. “Redefining Chinese city system with emerging new data”, Applied Geography, 75:  36-48.

52.          Long Y, Liu L. 2016. “Transformations of urban studies and planning in the big/open data era: a review”. International Journal of Image and Data Fusion, 7: 295-308.

53.          Liu X, Long Y*. (co-first and corresponding author). 2016. “Automated identification and characterization of parcels with OpenStreetMap and points of interest”. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 43(2): 341-360.

54.          Wang M, Zhou J, Long Y, Chen F. 2016. “Outside the ivory tower: visualizing university students' top transit-trip destinations and popular corridors”. Regional Studies, Regional Science, 3: 202-206.

55.          Long Y*, Wu K. 2016. “Shrinking cities in a rapidly urbanizing China”, Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 48(2): 220-222.

56.          Zhou Y, Long Y*. (corresponding author). 2016. “SinoGrids: a practice for open urban data in China”. Cartography and Geographic Information Science, 43(5): 379-392.

57.          Cai B*, Wang J*, Long Y*. (corresponding author), et al. 2015. “Evaluating the impact of odors from the 1955 landfills in China using a bottom-up approach”. Journal of Environmental Management, 164:206-214.

58.          Liu L, Long Y, Michael B. 2015. “A retrospect and prospect of urban models: reflections after interviewing Michael Batty”. China City Planning Review, 24(4): 8-14.

59.          Long Y*, Shen Y*, Jin X*. 2015. “Mapping block-level urban areas for all Chinese cities”. Annals of the American Association of Geographers, 106(1): 96-113.

60.          Liu X, Song Y, Wu K, Wang J, Li D, Long Y*. (corresponding author). 2015. “Understanding urban China with open data”. Cities, 47: 53-61.

61.          Long Y, Han H*, Tu Y, Shu X. 2015. “Evaluating the effectiveness of urban growth boundaries using human mobility and activity records”. Cities, 46: 76-84.

62.          Li M, Deng J, Liu L, Long Y, Shen Z. 2015. “Evacuation simulation and evaluation of different scenarios based on traffic grid model and high performance computing”. International Review for Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development, 3: 4-15.

63.          Zhou J*, Long Y. 2015. “Losers and Pareto optimality in optimizing commuting patterns”. Urban Studies, 53:2511-2529.

64.          Yang X, Jin X*, Guo B, Long Y, Zhou Y. 2015. “Research on reconstructing spatial distribution of historical cropland over 300 years in traditional cultivated regions of China”. Global and Planetary Change, 128:90–102.

65.          Long Y*, Zhang Y. 2015. “Land-use pattern scenario analysis using planner agents”. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 42(4): 615-637.

66.          Long Y*, Thill J C. 2015. “Combining smart card data and household travel survey to analyze jobs-housing relationships in Beijing”. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 53:19-35.

67.          Li D, Long Y. 2015. “A crowd-sourced data based analytical framework for urban planning”. China City Planning Review, 24(1): 49-57.

68.          Wu K, Long Y*. Mao Q, Liu X. (corresponding author). 2015. “Mushrooming Jiedaos, growing cities: an alternative perspective on urbanizing China”. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 47(1): 1-2.

69.          Yang X, Guo B, Jin X*, Long Y, Zhou Y. 2015. “Reconstructing spatial distribution of historical cropland in China’s traditional cultivated region: methods and case study”. Chinese Geographical Science, 25:629-643.

70.          Zhou J*, Murphy E, Long Y. (co-corresponding author). 2014. “Commuting efficiency in the Beijing metropolitan area: an exploration combining smartcard and travel survey data”. Journal of Transport Geography, 41: 175-183.

71.          Long Y, Jin X*, Yang X, Zhou Y. 2014. “Reconstruction of historical arable land use patterns using constrained cellular automata: a case study of Jiangsu, China”. Applied Geography, 52:67-Zhou J*, Long Y. 2014. “Jobs-housing balance of bus commuters in Beijing: exploration with large-scale synthesized smart card data”. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2418:1-10.

72.          Zhou J*, Murphy E, Long Y. 2014. “Visualizing the minimum and maximum solutions of the transportation problem of linear programming (TPLP) for Beijing's bus commuters”. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 46(9):2051-2054.

73.          Long Y*, Liu X. 2013. “How mixed is Beijing, China? A visual exploration of mixed land use”. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 45(12): 2797-2798.

74.          Long Y*, Shen Z. 2013. “Disaggregating heterogeneous agent attributes and location”. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 42: 14-25.

75.          Yang D*, Yin C, Long Y. 2013. “Urbanization and sustainability in China: an analysis based on the urbanization Kuznets-Curve”. Planning Theory, 12(4):391-405.

76.          Long Y, Han H*, Lai S K, Mao Q. 2013. “Urban growth boundaries of the Beijing metropolitan area: comparison of simulation and artwork”. Cities, 31: 337-348.

77.          Long Y, Gu Y, Han H*. 2012. “Spatiotemporal heterogeneity of urban planning implementation effectiveness: evidence from five urban master plans of Beijing”, Landscape and Urban Planning, 108(2-4): 103-111.

78.          Long Y*, Shen Z, Mao Q. 2012. “Retrieving spatial policy parameters from alternative plans using constrained cellular automata and regionalized sensitivity analysis”. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 39(3): 586-605.

79.          Long Y*, Shen Z, Mao Q. 2011. “An urban containment planning support system for Beijing”. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 35(4): 297-307.

80.          Zhou J, Wang M*, Long Y. 2017. “Big data for intra metropolitan human movement studies: A case study of bus commuters based on smart card data”. International Review for Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development, 5(3):100-115.

81.          Long Y, Shen Z. 2011. “An urban model using complex constrained cellular automata: long-term urban form prediction for Beijing”. International Journal of Society Systems Science, 3: 159-173.

82.          Long Y, Mao Q. 2010. “A constrained CA model for planning simulation incorporating institutional constraints”, China City Planning Review, 19(1): 17-25.

83.          Long Y, Mao Q, Dang A. 2009. “Beijing urban development model: urban growth analysis and simulation”, Tsinghua Science and Technology, 14(6): 782-794.



1.              Three Ways to Promote Urban Research and Practice with Disruptive Technologies: From the Perspective of City Laboratory, New City and Future City. The 17th International Conference on Computational Urban Planning and Urban Management (CUPUM), Online, 2021.

2.              Urban modeling for streets using vector cellular automata: Framework and its application in Beijing. The 7th International Conference on Integrated Land Use Transport Modeling, Xi’an, 2021.

3.              Leveraging Technology to Respond to the Coronavirus Build Urban Resilience. Cities on the Frontline - Coronavirus Speaker Series: Sharing Knowledge to Respond with Resilience, Online, 2020.

4.              Bikeability and Urban Design—Evidence from Massive Mobike Trips in Beijing. Academic Exchange Conference on “Data Augmented Design” for Sustainable Cities, Sydney, 2019.

5.              Functional Urban Area Delineations of Cities Using Massive Didi Car-hailing Records in China. International Conference 2019 on Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development, Chiba University, Matsudo, Japan, 2019.

6.              Does Block Size Matter?  The Impact of Urban Design on Economic Vitality for Chinese Cities”. The 2017 International Conference on Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development, Seoul, Korea, 2017.

7.              Evaluating Cities’ Vitality and Identifying Ghost Cities in China with Emerging Geographical Data. The 13th International Conference on Location-Based Services, Vienna, Austria, 2016.

8.              Characterizing Evolution of Extreme Public Transit Behavior Using Smart Card Data. IEEE Smart Cities 2 (ISC2), Guadalajara, Mexico, 2015.

9.              Perspectives on Stability and Mobility of Passenger’s Travel Behavior through Smart Card Data. UrbComp, Sydney, Australia, 2015.

10.          The use of participatory urban sensing data in urban infrastructure investment assessments: insights from two Delphi surveys in Beijing. Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management Conference, Boston, USA, 2015.

11.          Simulating Parcel-Level Urban Expansion for All Chinese Cities. Symposium of Applied Urban Modeling (AUM), Cambridge, UK, 2014.

12.          Planner Agents: A Toolkit for Supporting Planning a Low Carbon Urban Form. Low Carbon Urban Design Workshop, MIT, USA, 2013.

13.          An Applied Planning Support Toolkit Including Quantitative Methods, Software and Models in China. Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management Conference, Utrecht, Netherlands, 2013.

14.          Environmental Constrains for Sustainable Development in the Beijing Metropolitan Area. International Symposium on Environment, Eco-Technology and Policy in East Asia, Kanazawa, Japan, 2012.

15.          Bus Landscapes. Geoinformatics, Hong Kong, China, 2012.

16.          Retrieving Individuals’ Attributes Using Aggregated Dataset for Urban Micro-Simulation: A Primary Exploration. Spatial Plan and Sustainable Development, Kanazawa, Japan, 2011.

17.          Spatiotemporal Heterogeneity of Urban Planning Implementation Effectiveness: Evidence from Five Master Plans of Beijing. Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management Conference, Calgary, Canada, 2011.

18.          Establishing Urban Growth Boundaries Using Geosimulation for Land Use Control. 46th ISOCARP, Nairobi, Kenya, 2010.

19.          Form Scenario Analysis Using Constrained CA. Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management Conference, Hong Kong, China, 2009.


Updated in April 2022.

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